Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Another Special Case - Charlie

Okay he might be more refined than a 'Charlie' he might just be a 'Charles'! No matter what his name is this another special case for us at the Brant County SPCA.
This sweet 10 year old, Shih Tzu mix has cataracts in both eyes and the vets believe that he has no sight left at all. We have given him a great grooming, he has had some dental work taken care of and he has no adoption fee.

Charlie is a happy boy, and is a bit of a suck for a good cuddle session. He seems to adjust well to his environment, and staff who have been working with him believe that he would be great with children because of his good disposition.

We want this pooch to find a home, and if you believe that you have the right place for him then give us a call at 519.756.6620. If you don't have a place then do us a favor and pass this onto a friend, you never know who may be looking for their next perfect pet!