Monday, December 20, 2010

Cricket & Bella

I do hope I've reached the success stories for the Brantford SPCA. I was having trouble sending a email through your web site.
On October 8 of this year we adopted two adorable kittens. Cricket (who is now Booger) &
Bella(who is now Nellie).
Nellie was quite wild at first and wouldn't come near us when we first brought them home. Now she is quite loving and sociable. Booger, we found seemed to be the runt of the family, but is catching up to his sister quite nicely & also loves to cuddle (at her time).We feel they would do well in a "Temptations" commercial. We shake the bag and they do come out of hiding for their treat.
They now have a new sister, a four year old shitzu, Misty. We acquired her through our vet approximately a month ago.
I hope you don't think we have forgotten you. It just took me a while to find my camera hook up so I could send pictures.
I thank you so much for your help in adopting these two bundles of fun. They are both quite comical and as I said quite smart. I follow the success stories on a regular basis, It was so nice to see that Nelson was adopted shortly after our two. I do hope he is doing well.
With Christmas approaching we were considering not putting up a tree. We took a chance and we are surprised that they don't pay too much attention to it.
Once again, many thanks.
I'm trying to send pictures (I hope this works)
I also wish for all of you a very merry Christmas and the best in the New Year.
Tamie Elliott

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Success Story of Hailey Veber

This is the success story of Hailey Veber

My family adopted Hailey from the Brant SPCA in the summer of 1997.
We went up to the cage where she was being held and she was standing
at attention, ready to please! She must have went through extensive
behavior training before being abandoned at the shelter because she
knew so many tricks and was so very obedient.

She had been at the shelter for a while and the staff were getting
nervous that no one would adopt her on time. They were all sad to see
her leave the shelter but were happy to see her go with a young family
with two kids that would adore her.

She's the kind of dog that would give her life for any one of us
without a second thought. She's also the mischievous puppy who would
eat green beans and other veggies out of the garden (veggies are her

Hailey lived out her final days with us yesterday (Dec 1st, 2010), 13
years after we adopted her. She was surrounded by those who love her.
We can never thank the staff at the Brant SPCA enough for giving us
the gift of her love!

This is Hailey's story.