Thursday, April 29, 2010


Good morning,
I would just like to say thank you for supporting my daughter when she wanted to adopt a cat.
Kelly adopted Prince William from the SPCA just one year ago. Attached is a picture of him in the lazy boy with DAD.
Kelly lives on her own in Guelph, while attending Guelph University. She is just finishing her second year and hopes to become a vet.
Emmett (alias Prince William) has been perfect for her. She always has him to come home to after her long and tiring days at the University or her part-time job.
Emmett keeps her grounded and very much is suited quite well to Kelly. They make the purrrffect.....couple.
The whole family loves him and it is great having a cat in our family once again. Our cat Simon (19 years old) had passed away two years prior to adopting Emmett.
Mrs. Doreen Giles,

Sunday, April 11, 2010



I just wanted to send a quick update on my kitty Alaska (white one in the pictures) who I adopted from the Brantford Humane Society about 6 years ago. When I first sat down with her in the little room to interact with her and see what her personality was like, she was kind of afraid, kind of saucy, and even bit me! But I knew she was the kitten for me. She had 2 different coloured eyes and extra digits on her paws. I knew some people might use that as a reason against adopting her, so I wanted to make sure this unique kitten found a good home.

It took her a few months to get used to her new home, but eventually she became very social and loves napping and nuzzling with everyone at my house. We got another cat about a year later, and now the two are inseparable. Alaska grooms Monty all the time, and they even sit on the heating vent together in the winter to keep toasty.. as shown in one of the pictures attached :)

She's doing great and we're so glad we adopted her!

Brantford, ON

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Hello SPCA, here is the success story of Juno (aka Jackie) adopted April 2009:

In April 2009 we started to look for a puppy to join our family. Lucky for us, we found Juno (aka Jackie), a 3 month old shepherd mix at the Brantford SPCA. She won us over immediately with her endless kisses and playful nature. Molly (adopted Dec.2007) was thrilled to have a new playmate and we have never looked back. Now Juno is a beautiful, healthy one year old who will never grow tired of swimming and fetching balls. Her highlight of last summer was the dog beach at the Pinery where she could chase sticks and balls all day with many other canine friends, while Molly preferred to camp under the beach umbrella and hide in the sand. Juno and Molly partake in many wrestling matches and they both are a work in progress when it comes to training (doesn't walk mean run?!). Juno greets everyone equally with kisses and tail wags, like long lost friends. Thanks to everyone at the Brantford SPCA for helping make Juno a part of our family.

Sincerely, The Cooneys